Do you need our support?

If we are already working with at least one of your creditors, then we can help.


Please see below the creditors that we are currently working with.

The cost of living is rising, and many people are finding it difficult to make ends meet. People who have never needed support or guidance before are now needing that extra bit of assistance.  It can feel like a never-ending cycle.

We’re committed to providing you with all the support and guidance you need. We understand that every situation is unique, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way. In order to effectively support you, we kindly ask for your cooperation. Please be open, honest, and willing to talk with us.

We understand how you feel

No-one likes being in debt. It isn’t a situation that anyone puts themselves in on purpose. The cost-of-living crisis has meant that all household bills, from shopping through to energy bills have increased. This has affected all households and the amount of people that are now in debt, has also increased. For some the level of debt is manageable and only temporary, but for others, there isn’t enough income to cover everything.

We know asking for support is hard. We know that making that first call,  sending that email or responding to a text is difficult, but we are here to help, support and guide you.

We will listen to you, so that we understand your concerns. Our team is dedicated to helping you with your finances and improve your financial resilience. We’ll work with you to understand your individual circumstances and then create a personalised plan that’s right for you.  We will review your benefit payments including discretionary housing payments, state benefits and hardship grants to try and maximise your income.

Struggling with your circumstances can be a scary thing

Let’s take control together

It’s no wonder that people often put off dealing with it. It can be embarrassing, stressful, and even frightening. And the longer you wait, the worse it gets.


We can do this together


Money Advice Trust – Shows that 3 in 10 (29%) UK adults are worrying about their finances every day, while one in 7 (15%) say they are regularly losing sleep due to the cost-of-living crisis.  According to National Debtline,  4 in 10 (39%) wait more than a year to seek help with debt. And most of those people have been in debt for two years or more by the time they finally reach out for help.


That’s a long time to suffer

In that time, your situation is likely to have worsened. Your debt may have increased, your creditors may have become more aggressive, and your mental and physical health may have suffered.

    Welfare Together Customer Journey

    Welfare Together Letter

    Support & Debt Advice

    Maximise Income

    Are you claiming all benefits, exemptions & discounts?

    Agree Arrangement

    Dependant on circumstances

    Debt Journey



    Final Letter

    Additional Collection Costs

    Don’t let it get worse

    If you’re struggling, please don’t wait any longer. Get help now. There are people who can help you get back on track. If you are not a customer of ours, please check out our debt advice page for charities that may be able to help you.


    We can help


    We understand what you’re going through. We’ve helped thousands of people with support and guidance to help improve their debt situation and improve their financial health. We can help you too.

      Here’s a bit more about us

      • We’re a company that specialises in providing support to those that need it.
      • We’re committed to providing compassionate and understanding support to our customers.
      • We’ll work with you to develop a personalised plan that takes into account your circumstances to help you become more financially stable.
      • We know that debt can be a very stressful and overwhelming experience and we have the experience to help you.
      • While you work with us, we will be committed to providing you with a service that you will appreciate.
      • Our services are free to all our customers.

      We know that you might be feeling scared, embarrassed, or even ashamed about your circumstances. But we want you to know that you’re not alone. We want to help you get back on track financially.


      Being in debt doesn’t only affect you, it will affect your family as well and not always in obvious ways. You might find your distancing yourself, because you want to avoid difficult conversations, or can’t afford to attend family events. What we have found though, is that with our support you can come out the other side, better able to manage your finances. Breaking that debt cycle and emerging stronger.


      If we have contacted you, we can be reached by phone, email, or through our website.