If you’re an Octopus Energy customer and struggling with your energy bills, did you know they may be able to offer you some assistance.

Octopus Energy set up Octo Assist fund during the energy crisis to try and support their most vulnerable customers. They offer several different types of support which we have listed below.


Financial Support


Direct Financial Support – They offer these grants to help to offset some of your energy bills and if you are issued one of these grants, they will add a credit to your Octopus account.

Standing Charge Waivers – You can apply to have your standing charges waived over winter.


Applying for Octo Assist


If you would like to apply for Financial Support or Standing Charge Waivers, you can apply online. They use Paylink to ask that you provide details of your incoming and outgoing payments, they will ask why you’re struggling and will see if you can claim any additional support.


If you don’t qualify, they may be able to offer other support to you, such as ensuring that you’re on the cheapest tariff, fitting a smart meter and offering hints and tips that could save on the energy that you use.

Click the button below to apply for Octo Assist

Energy Saving Support


Electric Blankets Scheme – if you’re elderly or have medical or mobility issues, you may qualify for a free electric blanket. They advise that using an electric blanket can save the average home £300 per year.

To read more about this scheme, please click on the button below.


Thermal Camera Loan – they will lend you an infrared thermal camera that you plug into your smart phone to see where heat is escaping. There’s a high demand for the cameras and you would need to apply to be added to the waiting list for next year (2024/25).

To read more about the scheme and apply for the loan of a thermal camera, please click the button below.

Energy Saving Tips


Octopus Energy have some great tips that can help you reduce your energy bills. They also have a useful guide on what you can do, to help such as having a smart meter installed and checking you’re on the right tariff.

Click on the buttons below, to see how you might be able to reduce your energy bills.

If you’re struggling with your Octopus Energy bills, then please contact them, even if you don’t qualify for any of their schemes, they may still be able to help.