Brighton & Hove Debt Advice and Support Organisations
Below are a list of local charities and organisations that offer free advice and support.
Support from Brighton and Hove City Council
Check if you can get a reduction to your Council Tax and apply online
If you already claim Housing Benefit or Universal Credit and need extra help to pay your Council Tax, you can apply for discretionary council tax support.
If you receive benefits and need help to pay for essentials, you can apply for help from the Local Discretionary Social Fund.
If you don’t receive benefits and need help to pay for essentials, you can request support from the Household Support Fund through the Community Hub.
Community help and advice
You can also get help and advice through these community organisations. Click on the name to go to their website.
Other Support
Social Tariffs
You may have heard the term ‘social tariff’ but if not, a social tariff is a special tariff that offers a service at a reduced rate to those who are entitled to it or need it most. Due to the ever-increasing cost of living, it’s now becoming harder for people who are on lower incomes or relying on benefits such as Universal Credit to pay their bills. Social tariffs are there to help make things that bit easier, offering the same services as other households, but at a reduced rate.
Social Tariffs have been available for broadband since 2020, now this can include phone packages with some providers. To see whether you might qualify and a list of service providers, please visit Ofcom, by clicking here.
Water utility companies are also offering Social Tariffs for their customers, for more information please contact your water provider.
Funeral Costs
You may be able to get help with paying for a funeral that you are arranging, if you are on certain benefits, you can find more information here.
Parent workshops & play sessions
Triple P courses and talks (